

الأحد، 11 أبريل 2010

Shaolin KungFu wushu

KungFu wushu
The style of the Shaolin of wushu, since one of the founders of the first Chinese martial arts  and the oldest evidence of participation in the fight against Shaolin is a witness of 728 m to testify on two occasions: in defense of the monastery of Shaolin from bandits around 610 CE, and its role subsequent to the defeat Shichong Wang Hulao in battle in 621 AD. From 8 to 15 centuries, there are no existing documents that provide evidence of Shaolin participation in combat. However, between the centuries 16 and 17 there are at least on the sources and forty which provide evidence that not only monks of Shaolin martial practice of the arts, but the practice of self-defense has become such an integral part of monastic life Shaolin that the monks felt the need to justify a through the creation of traditions of Buddhism, a new [18] References from the practice of martial arts in Shaolin appear in various literary genres from the late Ming: the epitaphs monks of Shaolin warrior, and handbooks for the martial arts and encyclopedias of military and historical writings, and stories of travel, fiction and poetry
KungFu wushu


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